About the project

Project brief

Service reservoirs (SRs) are treated water storage tanks, used to balance water supply and maintain the diurnal demand in the distribution network. Storage of treated water gained its importance with the need to protect water supplies from deteriorating, or becoming contaminated. SRs are therefore crucial and integral components of the distribution system.

However, SRs affect water quality (WQ), deteriorating it in some instances. Primarily, these are aesthetic issues, such as appearance, taste, and odour. The assumption is that the deterioration of WQ comes from an accumulation of material (eg metals), and from areas of stagnation in the SR, both of which lead to issues such as biofilm growth, discolouration, and changes to water chemistry.

There is a pressing need to understand how SR performance impacts water quality. A nationally coordinated trial across multiple sites, analysing multiple factors is being conducted.

Findings, so far


  • Anastasia Doronina (PhD researcher) – blog

  • Professor Vanessa Speight (Primary Investigator), Managing Director of TWENTY65

  • Dr Stewart Husband (PODDS)

  • Professor Joby Boxall

Sponsors and collaborators